The Spiritual Light Festivals:
The full moon is a very powerful time for meditation and to take advantage of the unique energy that is pouring forth during this high time of the moon cycle.
It is the time when there is a major alignment of Cosmic energies, which create a pathway for all the Light Rays to flow.
Each month, our Sun enters the energy field of one of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and thus the light streaming towards Earth becomes powered by the qualities of that sign and its attributes.
At this time, guided by an ascended Master, people can use meditation to align to those specific energies.
Each is uniquely conditioned by the combination of astrological energies flowing through the cosmos.
It is important to be aware of the spiritual qualities, opportunities and challenges brought to human consciousness by the subtle influences of stars and planets during each Festival.

The 9 Spiritual Light Festivals:
1o Ray Festival of Light – The Easter festival:
This is the festival of Aries and transmits the energy of the first Ray of Will or Power.
The first ray festival represents the attributes of courage, certainty, power, faith, surrender to god’s will, leadership and initiative.
This is the Easter Festival, the festival of rebirth.
2o Ray Festival of Light – The Wesak festival:
This is the Festival of Taurus. It is called the Festival of the Buddha and is dedicated to the search for Light and enlightenment.
Wesak is celebrated as the date of Gautama Buddha’s enlightenment – just as Easter is celebrated as the time of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The second ray festival represents the attributes of wisdom, unconditional love, higher consciousness, spiritual education, and enlightenment.
3o Ray Festival of Light – The Humanity festival:
This is the festival of Gemini and transmits the energy of intelligence.
The third ray festival represents the attributes of active intelligence, adaptation, social values, working in a grounded and active manner on earth and unity.
This is called The Humanity Festival.
This is the festival of Cancer and transmits the energy of harmony.
The fourth ray festival represents the attributes of harmony in all aspects of life, transcending conflict, development of artistic talents, aesthetics.
This is the festival of Leo and transmits the energy of reason.
The fifth ray festival represents the attributes of science, focused mind and healing.
This is the festival of Virgo and transmits the energy of devotion.
The sixth ray festival represents the attributes of peace, religious, contemplation, detachment and devotion to God.
This is the festival of Libra and transmits the energy of the violet transmuting flame.
The seventh ray festival represents the attributes of ceremonial order, magic, freedom, transmutation, transformation and alchemy.
This is the festival of Scorpios and transmits the energy of deep transformation.
9o Ray Festival of Light – The Gaya’s Festival:
This is the festival of Sagittarius and transmits the energy of the higher service.
The ninth ray festival represents the attributes of serving the Earth Mother (Gaya) with love and joy, ascension, connecting to nature and all the realms.