Master Joanita

She is a spiritual leader, integrated ascended master, direct channel to the Hierarchy of Light, teacher
and healer.
She was a pioneer in the field of integrated ascension, Light Rays, Festivals
and Rituals of Light.
She has created many ascension teachings and healing systems.
She is responsible for holding Lady Gaya’s spiritual retreat (Gaya’s Ashram), the Light Festivals and Rituals of the year and the spiritual leadership to pass on the Great Spiritual Hierarchy teachings.

Silvio Molina
He is a spiritual leader, holistic therapist, teacher and healer.
He has mastership in many healing and therapy techniques, such as: Reiki, Seichim, Sacred Geometry, Rebirth, among others.
He has co-created many healing techniques, and is in charge of Gaya’s Ashram
and spiritual planetary leadership.
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